An SEO Marketing Company That Gets It

Let’s face it. You know what you need but you just don’t know how to get it. Our SEO specialists hear that over and over from SEO clients who contact Harmain Digital Marketing Agency.

You’re likely here because of one or more of the following reasons:

•  Your website isn’t being found online.

•  Your website traffic has diminished recently and you don’t know why.

•  Suddenly, your volume of incoming calls and leads has declined.

•  You’re starting a new website and want to ramp up new business quickly.

If any of these four pain points ring a bell, rest assured, you’ve come to the right SEO company. There’s a reason why Thrive is currently serving hundreds of SEO clients and providing optimization solutions to answer Google’s ever-changing algorithm.

Providing SEO Solutions to Solve Your Problems

Our Passion is Growing Your Online Business For more than 4 years, we’ve been providing SEO solutions for businesses wanting to expand their online presence, increase leads and grow their revenue. Our tried-and-true SEO techniques and practices have resulted in many success stories for clients.Are you on the first page of the search engine results pages (SERPs) for keywords that match your business or brand? If not, you’re missing out on valuable leads. Search engine optimization isn’t a fad and it’s no longer an option to simply not think about it if you want to grow your business. It’s an indispensable part of any plan to market products or services and bring in more qualified leads and sales.

Our SEO Services

Increase Your Search Rankings and Get Discovered More Online

Link Building

To rank higher in search results, you need backlinks, but not just any connections! For this reason, you ought to work with a search engine optimisation business like Harmain, which has a devoted link-building staff and relationships with a large number of relevant and high-quality websites.

On-Page SEO

Boost your web presence to attract and get excellent traffic. At Harmain Agency, we take care to match search engines' best practices with our SEO services in order to increase the credibility of your website. Our SEO specialists use high-resolution photos, create original, valuable material, and optimise your headlines and HTML elements.

Technical SEO

Back-end optimisations for your website, such faster pages, can raise rankings. It is easier for search engines to index your website if these issues are fixed. And when you please search engines, you may receive even more satisfaction from your ranks!

Keyword Research & Strategy

The SEO company Harmain Agency can improve your ranking for particular search terms and has a thorough understanding of your niche. In order to create a list of keywords that make the most sense for both your website and the competitive environment, your dedicated SEO consultant will analyse the keywords your website is presently performing for, take your keyword wishlist, and perform extra keyword research.

Local SEO

64 percent of consumers look for local businesses online, according to statistics. With Google Business Profile (GBP) or Google My Business (GMB) optimisation, you can raise your company's local SEO ranks and draw in more highly qualified clients. To increase your local following, we monitor your online reputation and optimise your GMB profile.

Off-Page SEO

Increasing online visibility and building brand credibility require off-page optimisation. Collaborate with our SEO agency and allow us to assist you in showcasing your sector knowledge. To produce quality links and high ratings, we make use of influencer marketing, social media marketing, and link building.

Amazon SEO

Make your brand stand out on Amazon to attract millions of ready-to-buy customers. To sell your products to the correct customers, we optimise your Amazon product listings, make the most of ad positions, and put goal-oriented Amazon marketing services (AMS) SEO solutions into action.

Shopify SEO

Boost the internet presence of your online store and reach a wider audience. Our SEO specialists provide round-the-clock customer service for any pressing issues. To maximise your customers' Shopify experience, we offer Shopify SEO audits, Shopify web design, paid advertising, and review response publishing services.

Franchise SEO

Take advantage of the SEO services offered by Harmain Agency for various locations to boost your franchise marketing efforts. We create unique website designs, use Nextdoor advertising, and publish geo-specific content.The SEO company that will boost your brand's visibility and generate more leads and revenue is Harmain Agency.

eCommerce SEO

Boost customer retention by offering your clients a convenient, round-the-clock purchasing experience. In order to generate individualised brand experiences, we conduct focused email marketing campaigns and optimise your website for voice search and mobile devices. Integrations with Walmart Marketplace are another service we provide to boost your sales volume.

Content Writing

Our writing staff may create blog posts that are worth sharing or add more information to already-existing service and product pages to make them more search engine friendly. Regularly updated websites are highly favoured by search engines. Select our SEO company to help with your content needs and to improve your search engine optimisation.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Harmain Agency's CRO services can help you boost your online sales and increase the lifetime value of your clients. To increase your chances of conversion, our SEO marketing firm combines pay-per-click marketing with our SEO services. We carry out A/B split testing, landing page optimisation, and website analysis.